Sunday, December 13, 2009

acoustic soul virgin nomore!

I had the great pleasure of attending Zim Ngqawana live with Zimology at Wits university last night. For someone who has never really been into acoustic music i was rather reluctant, though i went along with my friends anyway. (Sure i got a Jimmy Dludlu CD somewhere but i've never really listened to it!) What i did n't expect was to experience something so deep i almost can't describe it... though i'll try. With Zim playing the sax and his backers on the drums and base guiter, it was easy to meditate on whats become of life. All its disappointments, then the triumphants. Easy to understand where life is yet to go. It was easy to live in the 'Now.' The most fulfilling part of the brain to live in beacause it doesn't judge decisions and actions taken in the past, its not insecure about a past because a past doesn't exsist.
In a space of an hour, i went from wishing for days gone by to realising that when the so called 'days gone by' where going on... i longed for the days to come. Ironic hey? I figure since one day i'll look back at life as i know it now, might as well go full throtle and make it worth smiling at !!!

Thanks Mr. Ngqwana for making me realise that i hold the key to my future and i will have to allow everyone else to live their lives the way they want to. No one owes anyone anything after all. Once we understand that life is a gift and shouldn't be wasted on the petty things that we fuss over and obsess over, we are well on our way to living it fully. I choose to forget the past, its mistakes, the people who hurt me, the people i hurt along the way. Holding on to the hate is distructive and makes being objective and focused on my goals, difficult. I'll be going for another concert when one comes my way. Meanwhile i still continue to prance around with flowers in my hair and a song in my heart. Trying to see life through a childs eyes, living it with a childs heart. The sadness and loneliness do occassionaly resurface, though i take them in my stride and continue to strart what Rose (my mama) gave me!